Sunday, January 4, 2009

What up 2009?!?

Happy New Year to all...hope the holidays have been good and everyone is mostly recovered.
I had a great Christmas, spent the day at my brother's house with his family and my parents. It was a long day with trying to do gifts for the boys mixed with ours. Blake has no real interest in unwrapping presents, which I find odd for a 2-year old. My brother unwrapped most of them, and Blake would pick and choose certain ones and run off to play. I think one of his faves was a kid sized Dirt Devil vacuum, since he is obsessed with my sister-in-law doing her vacuuming! So between doing stockings, the boys gifts from Santa, naps, and the family gifts, it was a long afternoon. But it was nice to spend time with the family.
I also spent some time with my cast member crush that I stalked on Facebook. But it all worked out since we ended up hanging out a few times. I even had a nice fresh hickey on Christmas Eve that I tried desperately to cover up at work. Ah, feeling like being 15 years old is good stuff. : ) Unfortunately, his program ends and he is leaving Florida this week, so it was fun while it lasted but it's back to the drawing board for me!
New Year's Eve ended up being fun. I worked until 11, and went to a friend's house with my roomie Lauren. Most of them were tipsy already, so luckily Lauren met me at my car as I parked with a beverage in hand. I caught up pretty fast through many rounds of flip cup. We had fun and I didn't get home until afer 3am, and had to work at 9am the next day. I'm getting too old for this kind of sillyness!
Looking forward to a great '09... Lauren and I plan to start training for a 5K (seems like a common goal around here!). We hope to do the Disney Princess 5K in March. I'm not a big fan of running, but I think with both Lauren and I motivating each other it will be much better. I hit the big 3-0 in June so I'd rather not look like a total slob for the milestone. : )
Other than that, all is well... I'm excited that shows are coming back this week from holiday repeats, and Scrubs and nip/tuck start up again. Also, Rock of Love Bus! Thank god for VH-1 and their trashy TV shows!!!


Erica Lynn said...

Disney Princess 5k sounds like alot of fun!

Nikki said...

Yeah, I'm in for the Disney 5k too!

Keri Donald said...

Thanks for the heads up on the shows! I didn't even realize Nip/Tuck and Rock were starting back. (I'm actually kinda surprised that either of them has another season). Time for me to cancel Showtime and add HBO so that I can see Big Love too!