Sunday, March 9, 2008

Oh Well...

When I like a guy and I think it may develop into something, I'm usually pretty reluctant to tell anyone about it. I always feel like if I tell people, that may curse it and then I'm stuck answering questions about what happened. Well, here we go again.
After our great Valentine's night, I texted with Doug once that weekend (he was away). And...that's it. Haven't heard from him since. Awesome. Eventually, last weekend I sent him a message on myspace that said 'haven't heard from you in a while so I'm guessing that means you're not interested in hanging out with me, which is fine. I just wish you would have let me know so I didn't have to wonder why you didn't call.' He has been on myspace since but has not even read the message. WTF!?! Be a man, get some balls and at least tell me you're not into me. It just aggravates me so much that he couldn't have the decency to tell me, and instead just stops calling. Why can't I just find a nice man that wants to call me?

On a happier note, I'm going on vacation soon! Planning a trip to New York City from March 30 - April 2. I've only been once so I'm excited to go back and see some of the things I missed, and of course take in a Broadway show or two. We've booked tickets to Mary Poppins (or 'Poppin Beans' as Leah would say), which was my first choice. I didn't know that we can get tickets through the Disney company- they reserve tickets for employees for each performance, so we will be sitting close, most likely in the first ten rows! We are also figuring out what kind of tours we'd like to do. We will probably do the NBC Tour and there's also a film/tv tour that shows you lots of famous spots used in movies and tv shows. I will also be spending some time in Central Park...maybe I will even re-enact the song and dance scene from Enchanted. If so, I will get some footage, don't you worry!


Erica Lynn said...

Oh I'm so totally jealous .. again .. I hope you'll have a chance to meet up with Drew & Adam .. last I heard they were both living in Brooklyn :)

Keri Donald said...

Poopie on him! He's definitely missing out! And seriously... what a wuss for not even talking to you about it!

I can't wait to hear about your NYC trip. That really sounds like a blast. Awesome about the Poppin tix too!

Nikki said...

UGH. What a loser. :(

Can't wait to hear about your NYC trip. The Disney hook up on the Mary Poppins show is awesome! Say hi to Adam and Drew from us if you see them. :)

Mike said...

Awesome leah reference with Poppin Beans. :)

Sorry that guy is lame. Maybe he has a good excuse? like his mom died?