Thursday, September 18, 2008


I saw that Angelle mentioned in a post about watching Jon and Kate plus 8, and I was thinking the other day about posting about it. This show is crazy!!! I can't imagine staying sane with twin 6-year olds and SIX 3-year olds. The show is mesmerizing just to see how they function in a normal day.
I saw an old episode last night of when they took a trip to Disney, and it was amazing. Knowing what goes into setting things up for these filmings in the parks, I imagine those kids were super cranky. They did get to walk right on to every ride since they had Disney people with them everywhere, but still. Just potty breaks alone must take up half their day! I imagined our upcoming trip to Disney as being probably a bit like this episode. We may even rival them in number of children in our Hive group! Should be interesting...

So, my life is boring which is why I blog about TV. New shows start next week, although I at least have had 90210 and Gossip Girl for a few weeks now. I don't know if anyone else is as tween-ish as me, but those shows are like crack. Not so much 90210 for me...I don't think the new version is that great so far, but I'm giving it a shot.
Anyway, I am doing fun things besides TV. I went out drinking and dancing downtown last weekend, which was fun except for not getting hit on. : ) I am going to see Nick Swardson at Hard Rock Live next week, then Joel McHale the next week, then Hive the following week...lots of fun coming up!!!

1 comment:

Angelle said...

I know! I just can't get over how they go through their daily lives. Hive Disney oughta be interesting. At least we will have you to lead us in the right direction.

I have no idea who those people are that you are going to see. I must be a nerdy mommy now. :(