Monday, September 29, 2008

Mish Mosh

Let's start with Thursday, when The Office returned to television...hurrah!!! It was a great episode filled with very funny moments. I love that Dwight and Angela are having a warehouse affair, that Phyllis knows about it and so is now the head of the Party Planning Committee, that Creed sold Kelly a fake tapeworm, Holly almost confessing that she thought Kevin was retarded, and of course the PB&J proposal! Such a glorious show. I need to find my own Jim Halpert!!!

Friday I went to see Nick Swardson do stand-up at Hard Rock Live. He was hilarious.
For those of you who don't know him, he's got a regular bit part on Reno 911 as Terry, the gay prostitute on roller skates (don't you want to watch the show now if you didn't?!?). He's a friend of Adam Sandler, so ends up in his movies a lot. He was a creepy funny stalker in Blades of Glory and a guy scared of the sun in The Benchwarmers. He talked a bit about Grandma's Boy, which is a stoner movie he was in, which I actually thought was pretty stupid. But otherwise, he was great.

Saturday we went to pay our final respects to Pleasure Island, since it was it's last night of existence.
It was the busiest I have ever seen it, and a few clubs were already at capacity when we got there just after 9pm. We ended up spending our evening in Motion, drinking and dancing the night away. I tried to be as good as possible since I knew I'd see at least a few of my cast members and probably most of my upper management from Downtown Disney wandering around the place. I did an alright job. I didn't get super drunk or do anything to endanger my job, so I would call that a success! I reminisced about all the great times I've had at Pleasure Island and it made me sad that it was going away, but if it's not making money I get it. There are other places to get my groove on, which I will certainly do!


Nikki said...

So sad about PI. :(

I was so happy with The Office last week! They're back!!

Unknown said...

I am glad you got to go to Pleasure Island one last time. I am sooooo sad that it's closing. I really have no clue why they are closing it (haven't read), but I think it's a mistake. Anyhow, hope you had a great time!