Monday, September 17, 2007

Random Monday Thoughts

Okay, so I'm surrounded by Gator fans on this site, but I have to take a moment to give some props to my alma mater. UCF, in their fancy new stadium, was darn close to upsetting the #6 team in the nation on Saturday. If the lame-o Dolphins are going to suck it hardcore this season, I may have to turn my attention to rooting for the Knights!

After reading Keri's entry about TV, then watching the Emmys last night, I am so pumped for the new season of shows! I probably watch way too much television and should get out and meet some men instead of sitting on the couch, but what the hell. TV is so good! Here's a week in my TV watching--Heroes, Ugly Betty, 30 Rock, The Office, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives. Then there's The Daily Show, The Soup, and Best Week Ever. Then American Idol when it comes back on. Plus whatever new shows I watch this fall. Good thing we have DVR.

I guess I have to answer these questions because I read Erica and Angelle's answers, therefore I am "tagged". I'm still getting used to this blog thing and don't fully understand it all, but I can certainly answer a few simple questions...
1. Lying down on the couch, or stretching out on a recliner? Couch since we don't have a recliner, but I'm all about that when it's an option.

2. Going barefoot or wearing soft slippers? Usually socks or some form of slipper at home because my toes are always freezing due to my terrible circulation.

3. Eating ice cream, or pizza? Uh, pizza. Angelle and Erica, you're wrong. : )

4. Watching on TV…a classic movie or a reality show? Reality show

5. Wearing: blue jeans or sweat pants? I couldn't live without jeans!

6. A long, soothing bubble bath or a quick, invigorating shower? shower... baths are nice for a few minutes but then it gets cold and I have time to judge my body and that's not soothing.

7. Furniture: leather, or something more on the fuzzy side? Something fuzzy sounds classier than leather. And I agree with Angelle, leather is not so pleasant in the heat (so why do I have leather seats in my car??!?).

8. Soft, classical music, or upbeat rock & roll? Preferably some form of pop, but rock 'n roll over classical.

9. Darkness or light? Depends on when and where.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You get married, or otherwise begin cohabitating with a significant other. S/he moves into your place, but brings with them the UGLIEST chair you have ever seen! You really don’t want this thing in your home, but SO says it is the most comfy chair s/he has ever sat in, and no way will they part with it. Do you: grin and bear it, or scheme to get rid of the montrosity somehow?
There has to be some compromise.. if it really is comfy, then it will need some sort of cover. Sounds like a fun arts and crafts project!

1 comment:

Christina said...

As one of the dreaded gator fans I would definitely give props to UCF. Joe and I watched that game and we were cheering hard for the Knights!